My Advice On Making Friends At University.

Hey guys,

So Im back again with another University post, but as a student ambassador I find its something I am asked quite often. How do I make friends at University?

Okay, so let’s think about it, likelihood you aren’t the first person to be going to university for the first time, so everyone probably won’t know many people. Then lets think about how much you are worrying about not being able to make friends. Everyone is in the exact same boat as you, worrying about being lonely and worrying that they won’t fit in.

So here’s my advice based on my experience, I live 1.5 hours away from University, so not very far and I got halls of residence (student accommodation) that was on campus. I found a facebook group where you could find the people you lived with (to my more regular readers I have really bad anxiety and this meant I was very nervous about making friends as well) and after a day I had not found people I was going to be living with. And panic! I managed to find someone in my block, for the sakes of protecting identity and where I lived etc, I am going to change the names, so I was in Peony B Room *. Sorry but I really want to protect my identity, basically all the buildings would be, in this case named after flowers, one of my friends was in Rose, which was the other side of the accommodation site (who I met on a campus app, where you say about your course and year of entry and can meet people). Other than that I was waiting for people to respond to my post saying that I was assigned to Peony B. Eventually I did find people, one day later, we found 7 girls in total, and the group chat was hilarious, it was everyone saying things like about when they’ll go out, different peoples interests, different courses, I really was able to get to know the people I would be living with.

Then, being a Welsh girl going to England I was so nervous as well, I would learn to not call a microwave a popty ping! Although, it turned out there was a girl who also came from Wales, it just so happens that a lot people from Wales tend to go to this University, so that was nice, low key want to make a Welsh Society. 

Okay so I have covered about how I got in contact with people before even turning up. So this Welsh girl now, to protect her identity as well I am going to give her a fake name of Britney, she brought a box of biscuits and this is my most valuable advice, it brought everyone together, because who doesn’t love food! So when we moved in we found our two extra roommates (I am getting there with the third) and it turns out they just never found the facebook page to find people that they were going to move in with, although it didn’t make a difference to their experience as far as I am aware I think it didn’t help with the nerves. Then the 10th girl that moved in, this is actually a really funny story.

So we knew someone was in room 3, but we didn’t know who, and I kept on hearing the girls saying things like how there was a girl wandering around and we didn’t know who she was, all we could pin point about her was that she was asian. Then we are all in the kitchen and yet another fake name, May turns up and she has some shopping and introduces herself, after a good week and a half of her living there. No lie, it was the weirdest thing ever, but also made for a really funny story.

Think im getting off track here, this really has no structure at all, but I like it like that. So as soon as I had moved in and my parents had gone away a girl, who I am going to change her name as well to Tiffany, why not, first name that came to my mind popped into my room and we had just like a good old chat. That really helped. Overall I had a really good experience of halls.

Then there’s the always the fact about going clubbing and making friends and sharing experiences like that. However, if you don’t drink or don’t party (like me) then its still easy to make friends, for example there are societies and different things like that and student union led events to make friends in and I found I made soooo many friends on my course!

So my final final word of advice everyone wants to make friends, its not just you, so just say hi to someone, they won’t bite you (hopefully).

So I hope you all enjoyed my little (long) words of advice, and to those of you who are mentioned in this I hope you laugh at the way I have changed your names. Follow my instagram for more updates @makeupblogsbyliv.

Stay friendly,


Author: itsyourgirlliv

Hi guys, I like to write random blog posts, most seem to be about makeup, but others are random. Hope you enjoy. :)

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